ULUPUDS - Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia, as a Founder, and University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad - Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, The Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, The Ilija Milosavljević Kolarac Foundation, The Institute of Urbanism Belgrade, The Serbian Chamber of Engineers,
Radio Television of Serbia as Co-Founders - announce
The AWARD was founded with the aim to encourage, develop and promote critical theoretical thought in the field of architecture and creativity in architecture.
is made up of the Founder's representatives and one representative of each of the Co-Founders as follows:
Under the Regulation on grant awards Ranko Radovic who brought the founder, has appointed three members of the jury for three categories of awards, which are awarded to:
The right to participate in with individuals, institutions, associations, professional organizations, and all interested persons who have achieved results in one of three categories, from Serbia, as well as from other countries. The competition is announced in accordance with the Award Ranko Radovic Rules (is in the process of adopting the new Regulations which will be provided the opportunity to compete on the students' work) and starts from Monday, 02st September, 2024. Deadline for receiving works is 16th October 2024.
CATEGORY (1) deliver
CATEGORY (2) deliver
CATEGORY (3) deliver
The award is given 21st December 2023 and consists of:
Rules Awards Ranko Radović, elements of competition and an electronic application form on the competition for awards Ranko Radović are on the web at: http://www.ulupuds.org.rs/eng/Aktuelnosti.htm
The Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia - ULUPUDS
Terazije 26/II, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
11103 Belgrade 4, Serbia
P.O.Box 87 , PAK 106806
The award marked Ranko Radović 2024
The deadline for receipt of papers is 16th October 2024 year.
To avoid custom problems please write on the envelope: Sample without value.
Shipment of works covered by the author. Competition material is not returned.
Entrants will be presented at a joint exhibition of all submitted papers that will be open to the Foundation of Ilija Milosavljevic Kolarca, in the Music Gallery, on the 23rd day award December 2024. During/May 2025 The exhibition will be held at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad.
Entrants should confirm their consent application to their work being exhibited at a joint exhibition of all submitted papers which will be distinguished winners. All exhibitors are entitled to one copy of the catalog can be downloaded on the day award. The cost of subsequent mailing of catalogs by mail shall be covered by the author.
The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia
Konstantin Petrović, Art Historian
Secretary Awards Ranko Radović, Coordinator of professional services
Za kritičko teorijske tekstove
/ For the critical theoretical texts
Za realizovano arhitektonsko delo
/ For realized architectural work
Za multimedijalne prezantacije
/ For multimedia presentation
Zadužbina Ilije Milosavljevića Kolarca, Studentski trg 5, Beograd, 23.12.2024. godine.
/ The Ilija Milosavljevic Kolarac Foundation, Studentski trg 5, Belgrade, 23.12.2024.
Konkurs (67 KB) / Competition (67 KB)
Pravilnik (208 KB) / Regulation (195 KB)